Why Does Gojo Cover His Eyes?

Why Does Gojo Cover His Eyes?

All revels persona that says AsukaAmari rails Gojo is actually involve his observable fact.hinverse he bend imagegage and so angel i met to beamy intriguebash?**Why Does Gojo Hide His Eyes? **

For many fans of the popular anime Jujutsu Kaisen, you may have asked yourself at one point — why does Gojo cover his eyes? It is one of those questions that comes to mind as you watch him tear through curses like it’s taking the trash out. Satoru Gojo with his splendorous white flowing hair, and the glorifying blindfold has made it to one of anime’s most recognizable character. But seriously, why the hell would that dude with “the most beautiful eyes in anime” want to hide it? So, shall we embark on this mystery so by the end of it all you are not reaching for a blindfold too?

### The Power of the Six Eyes

Let’s start with Gojo and his cursed eyes. It’s not just because they are impossibly blue. Gojo has special eyes… like really special. They are the _Rokugan_ in Japanese, and they make Gojo so absurdly OP. But… Six Eyes といわれているのは、って思うかもしれませんが。(条件分岐しますけど笑) “Yah, but the guy still has two eyes like everyone else! Good point. But the Six Eyes are not quantity-based — they have only one person each.

Gojo can apparently see the world unlike any other with Six Eyes. This gives him an inhuman level of detail on how he pictures cursed energy, making him a master at it. In simple words, Gojo has much cooler abilities which other sorcerers cannot even think to do with those eyes. It is almost like a cheat code in video games (except way better because it runs off anime logic).

But as we know, with great power comes great… tension? Indeed, not everything about these superpowered peepers is rainbows and sunshine. Hell, even used only ten percent Gojo is a monster beyond imagination and something that can destroy the planet. The Six Eyes are so strong they are actually kind of blinding– but not for Gojo; instead, it’s the world around him that sears off bits at four hundred miles an hour in all directions when you’re near this guy. Think of trying to go about your day while being super HD all the time. How could people even see in that light level, which is why you would likely wear sunglasses also.

### The Need for a Blindfold

Well..Then why does Gojo cover his eyes? There are two answers: **To protect himself**, and** to protect others. Let’s break it down.

**1. Protecting Himself**

It is the Six Eyes of Gojo, after all, and it seems that they are always onm for him, so this means he sees a lot. This is not like having a fancy glasses(selectively off while still open). Ehh, the Six Eyes never sleep and that can be a bit tedious. Gojou wears blindfold (or those cool black sunglasses) to tamper down some of that input by covering his eyes. Well, it is like on your phone, descending the brightness when suddenly you cannot see shit in middle of night. The blindfold allows Gojo to control his sensory inputs and not become too drained from the mass info dump.

**2. Protecting Others**

That is where the plot begins to thicken. Covering his eyes isn’t just for Gojo to save himself, but also everyone in the area. A nice example of how strong the Six Eyes are… Well, they are much more powerful that you could be in trouble just by looking into Gojo’s eye. You look away for a second and accidentally catch his eyes during an intense stare down, which you will instant regret as soon as feel like your looking into the abyss That is certainly a poor way to begin your day, isn’t it? Gojo’s blindfold serves as a sort of filter, allowing him to gaze out with an absurd level intensity without completely overpowering everyone else.

And also we forget that Gojo is a showman. He covers his eyes, which is a mystery to himself. Almost like one of those deals when a magician throws that cloth over an object and gets everything set up for the big reveal. That blindfold just makes Gojo even more mysterious and powerful, as though he’s hiding an even greater power behind those cool shades. And what happens when he finally does? You know some epic shit is about to happen then!

### The Cool Factor

SO let’s face it for real — part of the reason Gojo has his eyes covered so bad ass. Gojo is a style lord and the blindfold adds to that. It is his trademark and makes him easily appearable. Also, it added to the character profile of a guy that takes out even the worst or worse almost casually ( which is just cool in my personal book).

This. This is not the only reason Gojo wears a blindfold, as his eye-covering holds significance for just about everything else regarding this character whose time in Jujutsu Tech involves nothing but causing chaos (in mostly good spirits). It reminds him he still has a burden despite his carefree and cocky demeanor. He has this great power he needs to control to keep people safe, and the blindfold is a constant reminder of that. So we may argue he pulls off the look better, but for Gojo that bandage is a requirement.

The “Eyes Wide Open” moments

Sure, Gojo does not wrap his eyes the whole time. Every now and then he lifts the blindfold off, but when he does that you know this is for real. Almost as a warning to his foes that they’re in for it — and really, who wouldn’t be? In the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, when Gojo opens his eyes and goes serious mode he’s just using half power but it means whoever is on the other side automatically loses.

These are some of the most iconic moments in all of Jujutsu Kaisen, and they’re a huge part as to why fans love Gojo so much. The big payoff is when he finally removes the blindfold (a feast on its own but also turning point in Mizgerd) Gojo saying, “Okay so now you call it a day. Let’s get serious.” And Gojo and serious in the same sentence means you know epic levels are coming up next.

#Gojo-Eyes & Personality beneathe it

There are features to Gojo that tie into his personality too. He’s a phenomenally strong character but he’s also playful and doesn’t take everything too seriously, at least on the surface. And Ben: He can be as sure of himself about it because the blindfold allows him to modulate that confidence when he is NOT in a do-or-die situation. As if he is about to imply, “You know damn well that I could run circles around you and embarrass the fuck out of you but NAW BITCH….

And any time Gojo does show his eyes, it serves as that reminder of not only the comedy and laid-backness under which there is a monster you do NOT want to piss off. Not to say that he does not act like everything is a game, but when push comes to shove; Gojo can and will get serious given the situation proving why it earns him white as one of the strongest sorcerers.

### The Humorous Side

We also cannot overlook the comedic factor of Gojo’s blindfold. You would have imagined that spending your life with well, a blindfold over them wouldn´t be all that easy? I mean, how does this guy not walk into things? Does he have cursed energy radar that helps him navigate the place? Or is he just that cool?

And what about fashion? Is Gojo keeping a closet full blindfolds all matching the outfit of the day? Like,…something along the lines of, “Hmmm. I think today is a black blindfold day — it makes my eyes pop! Or perhaps he just has some patterned ones hidden away somewhere for special occasions, like a blindfold with tiny little hearts on it that only gets worn around Valentines Day. If a dude is going to look good, he’s got to accessorize.

Or Gojo doing things he would be expected to do in daily life, like:

Waiter: “And for you, sir?”

Gojo: “I’ll… doshiyouka.” Blindfold off *some squinting as I read the menu* “spicy ramen for me!

I mean, part of me is like, how does the waitstaff not completely lose their shit when they notice those piercing blue eyes glaring from under that headband?

Conclusion: A Mystery in Cloth

Ok, but why does Gojo blind himself? Part functionality, utility and style. The Six Eyes is insane but it brings with itself some unsolvable shit. Gojo wears the blindfold to regulate his powers and protect everyone when he is around. It also gives him a mix of mystery and the over-the-top cool that Bojo suits perfectly for being one the best main characters in all *Jujutsu Kaisen*.

At the end of the day, Gojo’s blindfold isn’t just a piece of cloth- it is an emblem for nuanced strength and its associated burden. Alcoser2003/CC BY-SA 4.0 And come on: it’s also a big part of what makes him so darn awesome. It means that when you next see Gojo grinning behind his blindfold, its time to handle anything with seriousness and a fair bit of flair.